Craybar's Guide to Genshin

Diluc-The Dark Side of Dawn

Diluc-The Dark Side of Dawn

The enigmatic vigilante of Mondstadt. A man of many connections and even greater wealth. With his scrupulous and unforgiving gaze, he rains justice down upon all those he sees fit.


+High Carry Potential

+High Pyro Application

+Heavy Stagger 

+Persistent Skill

+AoE Damage

+Tall Character Model

+Crit Ascension


-Low Support Potential

-No Off-Field Damage

-Slow Normals

-Interruptable Skill

-Pyro Infusion Problems

-Ascension Passive 1

-Self-Burn on Grass

    Table of Contents    

General Info

Roles, Levels, Materials, Costs


Performance Chart

Visualization of Stats


Shield-Break Rating

Efficiency of Breaking Shields



Basic Attack, Elemental Skill, Elemental Burst


Ascension 1, Ascension 4, Utility


Constellations 1-6


Pyro Reaction DPS

The enigmatic vigilante of Mondstadt. A man of many connections and even greater wealth. With his scrupulous and unforgiving gaze, he rains justice down upon all those he sees fit.


+High Carry Potential

+High Pyro Application

+Heavy Stagger 

+Persistent Skill

+AoE Damage

+Tall Character Model

+Crit Ascension


-Low Support Potential

-No Off-Field Damage

-Slow Normals

-Interruptable Skill

-Pyro Infusion Problems

-Ascension Passive 1

-Self-Burn on Grass

General Info

Below you can find information on many aspects of this Character and their design. As you explore the entirety of this page, feel free to hover over any terms you aren’t familiar with to learn more. If you aren’t sure where to get an item, please click the square buttons on the left for insight.


The Dark Side of Dawn

Mondstadt | Dawn Winery | April 30th

Primary Role: [mDPS]

Secondary Role: [sDPS]

Universal Roles: [dSUP]

Difficulty: Very Easy

Flexibility: Low

Base HP Ranking


*Rankings placed out of 44 total units

Base ATK Ranking


*Rankings placed out of 44 total units

Base DEF Ranking


*Rankings placed out of 44 total units

Diluc is a Pyro DPS Character that excels at Pyro Application and Staggering Enemies. He deals High Damage and is Very Easy to play. When used optimally, he will be seen on Teams comprised of Xingqiu and Bennett, with the final slot being a Flex unit like Sucrose. His Meta Build is ATK%/Pyro DMG%/Crit%, although ATK% is sometimes replaced with EM depending on the Weapon used. 

Diluc can also be seen in Melt and Overload Teams as well as Pure Pyro Teams. All three of these require modified Rotations and Builds, performing less optimally than his Xing-Bennett Team due to Diluc’s overpowering Pyro Application (or lack of Reactionary Support Units in the case of Pure Pyro.)

The tycoon of  a winery empire in Mondstadt, unmatched in every possible way.


Performance Metrics

Below are fourteen categories by which every Character has been ranked. All of the following except Single, AoE, Carry, Burst, On-Field, and Off-Field are comparative, meaning they are ranked in comparison to every other Character. The six categories that were excluded are independent metrics that help determine what Roles this character can fill efficiently.


1. Damage: Overall ability to deal DMG.

2. Single: How much of a Character’s DMG is Single-Target. (Relative to AoE.)

3. Carry: A Character’s ability to deal consistent DMG.

4. On-Field: Usefulness on the field.

5. Healing: Ability to Heal.

6. Buffer: Ability to Buff Team.

7. Energy: Ability to generate Energy.

8. Application: Ability to apply Element.

9. AoE: How much of a Character’s DMG is Multi-Target. (Relative to Single.)

10. Burst: A Character’s ability to deal sudden DMG.

11. Off-Field: Usefulness off the field.

12. Shield: Ability to generate shields.

13. Breaker: Ability to break shields.

14. Crowd Control: Ability to manipulate Enemies’ position.

Shield-Break Rating

Shield-Break Metrics

Below are three categories of efficiency. Every Enemy that possesses a Shield is allocated to one of the three. 

Use this to determine if this Character is effective at breaking their Shield or not.


This Character is very good at breaking the following Shields.








Normal Bosses

Weekly Bosses


This Character is capable of breaking the following Shields but there are better alternatives.



Normal Bosses

Weekly Bosses


This Character cannot break the following Shields no matter how hard they try.




Normal Bosses


Tempered Sword – Basic Attack
Normal Attack:
Perform up to 4 consecutive strikes.

Charged Attack: Drains Stamina over time to perform continuous slashes. At the end of the sequence, perform a more powerful slash.

Plunging Attack: Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Talent Level123456789101112131415
1-Hit DMG89.7%97%104.3%114.73%122.03%130.38%141.85%153.32%164.79%177.31%191.65%205.52%225.38%242.25%260.65%
2-Hit DMG87.63%94.77%101.9%112.09%119.22%127.38%138.58%149.79%161%173.23%187.24%203.72%220.2%236.67%254.65%
3-Hit DMG98.81%106.86%114.9%126.39%134.43%143.63%156.26%168.9%181.54%195.33%211.13%229.71%248.29%266.87%287.14%
4-Hit DMG133.99%144.89%155.8%171.38%182.29%194.75%211.89%229.03%246.16%264.86%286.28%311.48%336.67%361.86%389.34%

Talent Level123456789101112131415
Spinning DMG68.8%74.4%80%88%93.6%100%108.8%117.6%126.4%136%147%159.94%172.87%185.81%199.92%
Final DMG124.7%134.85%145%159.5%169.65%181.25%197.2%213.15%229.1%246.5%266.44%289.88%313.33%336.78%362.36%

Talent Level123456789101112131415
Plunge DMG89.51%96.79%104.08%114.48%121.77%130.09%141.54%152.99%164.44%176.93%189.42%201.91%214.4%226.89%239.37%
Low Plunge DMG178.97%193.54%208.11%228.92%243.49%260.13%283.03%305.92%328.81%353.78%378.76%403.73%428.7%453.68%478.65%
High Plunge DMG223.55%241.74%259.94%285.93%304.13%324.92%353.52%382.11%410.7%441.89%473.09%504.28%535.47%566.66%597.86%

Elemental Gauge: None

Elemental Gauge (Infused): 1A

Searing Onslaught – Elemental Skill

Performs a forward slash that deals Pyro DMG.
This skill can be used 3 times consecutively. Enters CD if not cast again within a short period of time.

Talent Level123456789101112131415
1-Hit DMG94.4%101.48%108.56%118%125.08%132.16%141.6%151.04%160.48%169.92%179.36%188.8%200.6%212.4%224.2%
2-Hit DMG97.6%104.92%112.24%122%129.32%136.64%146.4%156.16%165.92%175.68%185.44%195.2%207.4%219.6%231.8%
3-Hit DMG128.8%138.46%148.12%161%170.66%180.32%193.2%206.08%218.96%231.84%244.72%257.6%273.7%289.8%305.9%
Total Combo320.8%344.86%368.92%401%425.06%449.12%481.2%513.28%545.36%577.44%609.52%641.6%681.7%721.8%761.9%

Cooldown: 10s

Elemental Gauge: 1A

Dawn – Elemental Burst

Releases intense flames to knock nearby opponents back, dealing Pyro DMG. The flames then converge into the weapon, summoning a Phoenix that flies forward and deals massive Pyro DMG to all opponents in its path. The Phoenix explodes upon reaching its destination, causing a large amount of AoE Pyro DMG.
The searing flames that run down his blade cause it to be infused with Pyro.

Talent Level123456789101112131415
Slashing DMG204%219.3%234.6%255%270.3%285.6%306%326.4%346.8%367.2%387.6%408%433.5%459%484.5%
DoT DMG60%64.5%69%75%79.5%84%90%96%102%108%114%120%127.5%135%142.5%
Explosion DMG204%219.3%234.6%255%270.3%285.6%306%326.4%346.8%367.2%387.6%408%433.5%459%484.5%

Cooldown: 12s

Energy Cost: 40

Infusion Duration: 8s

Elemental Gauge (Initial Hit): 2B

Elemental Gauge (DoT): 1A


Relentless – 1st Ascension Passive

Diluc’s Charged Attack Stamina Cost is decreased by 50%, and its duration is increased by 3s.

Blessing of Phoenix – 4th Ascension Passive

The Pyro Enchantment provided by Dawn lasts for 4s longer. Additionally. Diluc gains 20% Pyro DMG Bonus during the duration of this effect

Tradition of the Dawn Knight – Utility Passive

Refunds 15% of the ores used when crafting Claymore-type weapons.


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Pyro Reaction DPS

Applicable Roles: [mDPS][sDPS]

Artifact Set: 4pc. Crimson Witch of Flames

Alternate Sets: 2pc. [CW]/[GF]/[SR]/[WT]/[VH]/[EO]

Alternate Sets: 4pc. [GF]/[SR]/[EO]/[RB]/[LW]

Talent Priority: Skill > Basic Attack > Burst

What is Talent Priority?                                                                What are Roles?

The Pyro Reaction DPS Build for Diluc is one that focuses on high Melt, Vaporize, or Overload DMG. It can be used in one of two primary Roles. The first is Main DPS [mDPS], which sees Diluc with heavy field presence and frequent Basic Attack usage. The second is Sub DPS [sDPS], which prioritizes field time when Diluc’s Elemental Burst is available to infuse his attacks. Both Roles make use of Diluc’s high Stagger attacks with the Displacer [dSUP] Role.


Main DPS [mDPS] iterations will make use of Characters such as Chongyun who can utilize Cryo Infusion on Diluc’s Basic Attacks, while Sub DPS [sDPS] iterations will find more use in Characters such as Xingqiu, who can create Reactions while Diluc’s Basics are infused with Pyro. 


Amplifying Main DPS

Role: [mDPS] Set: [CW] Reaction: [Melt][Vaporize]

Amplifying Reactions consist of Melt and Vaporize. Diluc excels at utilizing both because of his Skill’s ICD, his low Energy Cost Burst that infuses, and his innate Crit. Rate Ascension Stat. The following Artifact Stats and Weapons pertain to both Melt and Vaporize Builds.

General Main-Stat Priority

ATK%/EM | Pyro DMG% | Crit. Rate%/Crit. DMG%

General Sub-Stat Priority

Crit. Rate%/Crit. DMG% > ATK% > Elem. Mastery > 

Energy Recharge%/HP% > ATK/DEF% > HP/DEF

Energy Recharge


SWolf’s Gravestone R115,907God-tier.
SLithic Blade R1 (3 Liyue)14,413Great passive but limits team comp.
SBlackcliff Slasher R113,609Will perform marginally better or worse depending on your circumstances and ability to finish enemies.
SSerpent Spine R113,473Will perform marginally better or worse depending on your circumstances and ability to avoid being damaged.
SAkuoumaru R1 (Max)13,437Max buff requires Raiden and two 80 Energy Cost Characters. Only beats Sea-Lord by a small margin with a specific Team Comp. Not worth using over S-L unless you have Refinements. Then it’s a powerhouse.
SLuxurious Sea-Lord R513,419Best F2P option because of the Passive. Requires slightly modified rotation if you normally use Burst immediately off cooldown.
SRoyal Greatsword R113,146Works best with Crit DMG Circlet and a mix of Crit Rate and Crit DMG substats.
AAkuoumaru R1 (Min)12,909Using four 40 Energy Cost Characters. Not ideal but still a strong choice.
ALithic Blade R1 (0 Liyue)12,259Performs very similarly to Prototype Archaic without Liyue party members.
APrototype Archaic R112,193Solid F2P option. Skyward Pride overtakes it if you stack ATK subs, otherwise very similar performance for less material.
ASkyward Pride R112,172Better used on other characters. Diluc doesn’t need the ER and doesn’t have the PHYS DMG to support the passive.
BRainslasher R111,840Boosts elemental reactions, especially in Vape teams. ATK becomes more important for damage.
BWhiteblind R111,305Passive gives it low level viability but there’s not really a reason to craft it when 3 stars perform similarly.
BSacrificial Greatsword R111,285The passive is nice for the skill usage and energy for the team, but the ER main stat isn’t needed.
BSkyrider Greatsword R511,119Very solid three star option. Beats Bloodtainted marginally because of Normal usage.
CBloodtainted Greatsword R511,000Does well with frequent reactions and has a strong passive.
CDebate Club R510,793Reasonable three star option.
CSnow-Tombed Starsilver R110,729D for don’t do it, dog. There’s no reason.
CThe Bell R110,158You heard the man.
CKatsuragikiri Nagamasa R110,081I’m serious, bro.
DFavonius Greatsword R19,481Don’t do it to yourself.
DFerrous Shadow R59,072There’s better options available.
FWhite Iron Greatsword R58,978You on that clown shit, huh.


Vaporize Main DPS

Viability: Meta

Investment: Moderate

Typical Team Composition

  1. Diluc
  2. Hydro Enabler
  3. Flex Pick
  4. Healer/Shielder

Role: [mDPS] Set: [CW] Reaction: [Vaporize]

Diluc performs best within a Reverse-Vape Team. Xingqiu specifically is what allows him to do so. Normally, Diluc’s Pyro Application overwhelms the Support capabilities of his Teammates. However, with Xingqiu, it’s possible for Diluc to Infuse his Basic Attacks and continue to Vaporize.


Xingqiu should be your primary consideration for this Team as he is the only one able to truly support Diluc in such a manner. He is able to apply Hydro to Enemies who come in contact with his Rain Swords and his Elemental Burst doesn’t lose efficacy with Diluc’s Infused State. Not to mention he Heals and provides Damge Resistance.


However, if he isn’t an option for you, there are others that will provide you with performance somewhat akin to Diluc’s Melt Team. Candidates for such a Team consist of Barbara, Mona, and Kokomi. One benefit of this route is that all three of these Characters are Catalyst users, which means they have access to the Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers Weapon, a F2P option that provides a hefty Buff. The primary concern here is that most of these Characters won’t be able to output Hydro quickly enough to keep up with Diluc. You’ll need to modify your Rotation or accept that they’ll be stealing some of Diluc’s Vape potential. Kokomi is able to output more Hydro Element than Barbara or Mona but still pales in comparison to Xingqiu.


Bennett is a staple pick as he provides Pyro Resonance, Healing, and an ATK% Buff. If you’ve decided to use Barbara or Kokomi, Bennett isn’t a necessary addition, however, he’s always a superior choice for Support because of his ATK Buff. If you’ve decided to use Xingqiu or Mona and don’t want/don’t have Bennett, considerations could be made for just about any other Healer or Shielder.


The final spot is reserved for Flex. This typically falls to someone like Sucrose, Kazuha, or Albedo. The goal is to find someone that Buffs Diluc’s performance. VV Shred Characters are the obvious choice, but picking double Geo is viable as well. Albedo + Zhongli/Noelle not only provides an EM Buff but a DMG Bonus% Buff too. Alternatively, searching for Pyro Resonance or Hydro Resonance can Buff your Team’s Attack or Healing respectively. As always, be wary of how the Elements introduced will affect your overall goal: Vaporize DMG.

Team Composition
1. Diluc

That’s a given, baby.

+Where it all begins

2. Hydro Enabler

Pick one of the following, or pick two and skip 3. Flex Pick

If at least one of them is Barbara or Kokomi, you may skip 

4. Healer/shielder instead.


+Off-Field Healing

+On-Field Healing



+Off-Field Healing

+On-Field Healing

+Off-Field Damage




+DMG Bonus Buff

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage



+Off-Field Healing

+Damage Mitigation

+Off-Field Damage


3. Flex Pick

Pick one of the following or skip to 4. Healer/Shielder.

If you chose Barbara or Kokomi, you may take two 

and skip 4. Healer/Shielder instead.


+EM Buff

+Off-Field Damage



+Pyro Resonance






+Damage Mitigation

+Off-Field Damage





+Off-Field Damage


+VV Shred

+E. DMG Bonus Buff

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage








+Off-Field Damage






+Off-Field Damage

+Energy Regen.

+Elem. Burst Buff




+ATK Buff



+VV Shred

+EM Buff

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage



+VV Shred

+Crowd Control





+Energy Regen.

+ER Buff

+Off-Field Damage


+Crit. Rate Buff


+VV Shred

+Energy Regen.

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage



+Pyro Resonance

+Off-Field Damage

+VV Shred


+N. DMG Bonus Buff



4. Healer/Shielder

Pick one of the following, or if you skipped 3. Flex Pick and did not pick two during 2. Hydro Enabler, pick two.


+Off-FIeld Healing

+Pyro Resonance

+ATK Buff

+Off-Field Healing

+On-Field Healing

+VV Shred

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage

+On-Field Healing


+Shield (N)


+Off-Field Healing

+Off-Field Damage

+VV Shred



+Pyro Resonance

+Off-FIeld Damage



+Pyro Resonance

+Off-Field Damage




+Crowd Control

+Res. Reduction

+Off-Field Damage





Melt Main DPS

Viability: Moderate

Investment: Moderate

Typical Team Composition

  1. Diluc
  2. Cryo Enabler
  3. Flex Pick
  4. Healer/Shielder

Role: [mDPS] Set: [CW] Reaction: [Melt]

Diluc is capable of some powerful Melt Reactions. If not for his overwhelming Pyro Application, he’d perform at the top of his class in this Role. Unfortunately, there are plenty of Melt set-ups that Diluc misses out on because his Teammates can’t produce Cryo as quickly as he can produce Pyro.


There are two primary candidates for this team when it comes to Cryo Characters. They are Chongyun and Rosaria. Kaeya is the F2P alternative but brings less to the table.

Chongyun works very well with Diluc due to his Cryo infusion and Diluc’s ability to weave his Elemental Skill in between his Normals. A proper Rotation can provide multiple Melts within a relatively short period of time, especially when you consider Chongyun’s ATK SPD Buff and potential Diluc Constellations. 


Rosaria is another strong pick for her Cryo Application and her ability to provide a Crit. Rate Buff to the Party. With Diluc’s natural Crit. Rate Ascension Stat and proper Rosaria usage, it’s possible to run a Crit. DMG Circlet, which is a luxury not many Characters have.


Bennett is a staple pick as he provides Pyro Resonance, Healing, and an ATK% Buff. If Bennett isn’t an option, considerations should be made for someone like Diona, who can provide a lot of utility. If not her, then almost any Healer or Shielder should do.


The final spot is reserved for Flex. This typically falls to someone like Sucrose, Kazuha, or Albedo. The goal is to find someone that Buffs Diluc’s performance. VV Shred Characters are the obvious choice, but picking a second Cryo Character for the Cryo Resonance (additional Damage to Enemies affected by Cryo) or someone like Albedo for EM Buff or a second Pyro Character for Pyro Resonance is also viable.

Team Composition
1. Diluc

That’s a given, baby.

+Where it all begins

2. Cryo Enabler

Pick one of the following, or pick two and skip 3. Flex Pick.



+Cryo Resonance


+CD Reduction


-Cryo Inf. (C)



+Cryo Resonance

+Stam. Con. Red.

+Shield (K)



+Crit. Rate Buff

+Cryo Resonance

3. Flex Pick

Pick one of the following or skip to 4. Healer/Shielder.


+EM Buff

+Off-Field Damage



+Cryo Resonance



+Pyro Resonance



+Cryo Resonance





+Damage Mitigation

+Off-Field Damage





+Off-Field Damage


+Cryo Resonance




+VV Shred

+E. DMG Bonus Buff

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage







+DMG Bonus Buff

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage





+Off-Field Damage

+Energy Regen.

+Elem. Burst Buff




+ATK Buff



+VV Shred

+EM Buff

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage



+VV Shred

+Crowd Control





+Energy Regen.

+ER Buff

+Off-Field Damage


+Crit. Rate Buff


+VV Shred

+Energy Regen.

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage



+Pyro Resonance

+Off-Field Damage

+VV Shred




+Off-Field Healing

+Damage Mitigation

+Off-Field Damage


+N. DMG Bonus Buff



4. Healer/Shielder

Pick one of the following, or if you skipped 3. Flex Pick and did not pick two during 2. Cryo Enabler, pick two.


+Off-Field Healing

+On-Field Healing





+Off-FIeld Healing

+Pyro Resonance

+ATK Buff


+Off-Field Healing


+Off-Field Damage

+Cryo Resonance


+Off-Field Healing

+On-Field Healing

+VV Shred

+Crowd Control

+Off-Field Damage

+Off-Field Healing

+On-Field Healing

+Off-Field Damage




+On-Field Healing


+Shield (N)


+Off-Field Healing

+On-Field Healing

+Off-Field Damage

+Cryo Resonance



+Off-Field Healing

+Off-Field Damage

+VV Shred



+Pyro Resonance

+Off-FIeld Damage



+Pyro Resonance

+Off-Field Damage




+Crowd Control

+Res. Reduction

+Off-Field Damage




Transformative Main DPS

Role: [mDPS] Set: [CW] Reaction: [Overload]

Transformative Reactions consist of Overload, Shattered, Electro-Charged, Superconduct, and Swirl. Diluc can only make use of Overload, but with proper Artifacts, Teammates, and a focus on Elemental Mastery, he can excel in this role.

General Main-Stat Priority

Elem. Mastery | Elem. Mastery | Elem. Mastery

General Sub-Stat Priority

Elem. Mastery > ATK% > Crit. Rate/Crit. DMG > ATK/Energy Recharge% > HP%/DEF% > HP/DEF

SWolf’s Gravestone R111,514God-tier.
ABloodtainted Greatsword R511,153Very affordable option. You’ll need an even higher emphasis on ATK% Subs, but this is great for budget players.
ALuxurious Sea-Lord R511,108Achieves everything you want in this Role and it’s F2P!
ARainslasher R111,041Needs high focus on ATK% Subs but it’s nice for this niche weapon to find a home somewhere.
ALithic Blade R1 (3 Liyue)10,988Limits team comp and isn’t very practical, but if you don’t have Sea-Lord, you can make it work.
AAkuoumaru R1 (Max)10,915Doesn’t perform as well in this Role as one would expect but is still very very viable.
AAkuoumaru R1 (Min)10,739Loses about 16% DMG Bonus on Burst compared to its max stack version but still stands tall over most other options
BRoyal Greatsword R110,558Shouldn’t be purchased specifically for this Role, but if you have it, you can make it work.
BLithic Blade R1 (0 Liyue)10,521If you aren’t running a Liyue party, you should only use this if you don’t have the mats for Prototype Archaic.
CPrototype Archaic R110,478Solid F2P option. Hopefully you have Sea-Lord though.
CBlackcliff Slasher R110,442Loses some viability in this role since focus is on EM and ATK. Performs better if stacks can be reliably achieved.
CSkyward Pride R110,411Diluc doesn’t need ER. Still a Five Star though.
CSerpent Spine R110,408An incredibly strong weapon but at R1 for this Role, it doesn’t bring as much to the table as other options.
DWhiteblind R110,242If you can craft this, you should just craft Prototype Archaic.
DDebate Club R510,241Outclassed by other Three Stars.
DSkyrider Greatsword R510,211Not much of a reason to use this but it isn’t terrible.
DSacrificial Greatsword R110,133Diluc doesn’t need the ER. Passive is somewhat useful.
FSnow-Tombed Starsilver R19,968Doesn’t compliment this Role.
FThe Bell R19,900Consistently weak option. Provides some survivability.
FKatsuragikiri Nagamasa R19,880No reason to craft for Diluc
FFavonius Greatsword R19,750Save it for someone else
FFerrous Shadow R59,649Awful choice
FWhite Iron Greatsword R59,649Don’t even touch it.